Monday, September 29, 2008

Blasphemy Right Here In Black and White

'We give them less of everything'

Thanks to The Gradebook for the above link.

The blasphemy can be seen right here in the two words "not so".

TAMPA - It’s a common story line: If kids do poorly in school, it must be because of them and their parents. Not so, said Kati Haycock, president of the Education Trust.

"OMG", I could say in today's vernacular. Frequent readers of my other two blogs would recognize that I mock how "the system" blames students and parents for the failure of the public school system. Just as members of "the system" resent being blamed for the failure of the public school system, I resent that the students and parents are blamed for the failure.

I can already see that Ms. Haycock's statements will be discounted because of the position she holds. According to the memo, here is what it says:

"Hosted by the DOE, What’s Working is a series of meetings designed to inform education policy makers (such as district school superintendents; community college, state college, and state university system presidents; legislators and legislative staff; business stakeholders; State Board of Education members; and DOE staff), of current education trends and promote an open discussion of new methods for achieving greater academic success in Florida’s teaching institutions."

So what. I could speak to education policy makers and have done so many times. They discounted me, too.

1 comment:

PRO On HCPS said...

A day later, and the public comments are following the predictable path.

Some blame teachers, some blame students and parents, some discount the messenger and some want to address the problem.