Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Is This What They Call "Dumbing Down Education" In The Name of "The Business of Education"?

Jacksonville.com: Metro: Story: Schools chief asks to delay GPA rule

Someone help me out on this one.

"Students in five high school and four middle school accelerated academic programs, including Stanton College Preparatory School and Paxon School for Advanced Studies, must maintain a 2.0 grade-point average to remain in the programs."

This one pits the (some) educators against the (some)parents and students.

"The board was initially going to discuss possible changes to the 2.0 GPA standard at its workshop meeting today."

Surely they were going to raise the requirement from 2.0 to 2.5. After all, it does say "Advanced Studies". Surely any educational system worth it's weight in professional educators would understand that "advanced" means more than "average".

But we are left with this:

"On Sept. 2, the board heard from a number of parents and students from Stanton College Preparatory School who were vehemently against lowering the 2.0 GPA requirement."

"The superintendent of Duval County's public schools will recommend today that the School Board delay discussions about whether to lower the academic standards for nine accelerated middle and high school programs until the end of the year."

Please help me understand how this is a sound educational decision. Are the parents out of line?

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